A tide of change
Yeah, I'm a tease. :P
Also, something that was brought up are the people who have two lightsabers or a saber-staff but don't use the correct forms. To be frank, it's not going to fly anymore. If you have two sabers and are fighting with them using Vapaad or Makashi, or even Soresu, yoou're going to be impeded, regardless of rank. The forms that aren't set up for two sabers (Jar'Kai Niman, Shien or Sokan) or Staves (Juyo or Shien) really don't accommodate their use. They'll often have maneuvers that require grip changes and counterbalancing that will be disrupted by a weapon that is unintended for it... And places you at a disadvantage in combat.
So, from here on out, I'm going to be pretty strict about what form you have as it relates to what sort of saber(s) you get made custom. It's going to be based on form more than rank now, in a nutshell.
If you have two sabers, and want to use a form like Shii-Cho, Djem So, or Trakata, you're going to have to take great care in your ACC matches to use only one saber at a time (keeping the other one as a 'backup'), unless you shift your form to use a form that supports the weapon... This is kinda confusing, so let's make an example:
DJM Sho'Nuff likes Vapaad, and has mastered it (5/5). He also is known to fight with two sabers, because he has 3 points in Jar'kai Niman. He dives into combat with SW Bruce LeRoy, who is known for her mastery of Makashi (5/5).
Sho'Nuff backs Bruce into a corner, using one saber, because... well, because he pwns. But he still can't manage to get the kill in, what with Makashi being pretty durn good. So Sho'Nuff pulls out his second saber and starts going to town.
Now, instead of using 5/5 Vapaad, he's using 3/5 Jar'Kai Niman, and is at a disadvantage against Bruce LeRoy. So, now Sho'Nuff is going to have to use a lot more Force powers to level the playing field, as he just made his own form sloppy by bringing in a second saber...
And there you go... have fun,