Thursday, June 01, 2006

Grinding the gears of war...

Spent all evening yesterday doing warbanners and sabers...not because I was behind, but because I wanted to clear out the mess before I got back on the Robes and stuff. Anyway, I put a hurtin' on the Warbanner requests, and got about half of the remaining saber requests blasted out.

Next projects to complete:
• Replace remaining un-rendered robes on dossiers with new sexy ones.
• Add 'Standard' Dual Saber sets to Saber Construction Tool.
• Report!

If I have my way, these will be done by this time next week. Which is a good thing because next weekend, I'll be gone for almost all the weekend for a great friend's wedding.

I also have some other projects working, but these are more to do with the HRLD site and history stuff (which is to say: not as crucial as the bits that can go on your dossier).

And I guess that's all for right now.


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